texts by daniel amor

Baby Names Submit

Participating in the Baby Names Directory project is easy. Just enter the relevant information below and it will be included into the directory and your name and address will appear in the list of contributors. The more names you know the higher your ranking will be. As human erro cannot be excluded, it is possible that some of the names are wrong. You can also use this form to submit changes to the directory. On this page you can enter up to four baby names in a go. Please enter at least one name. You can repeatedly use the form.

If you want to provide the Baby Names Directory with more than single names, please send an e-mail to babynames@ebusinessrevolution.com to discuss a way how to integrate a larger number of words. Please do not send any files with baby names without prior consent.

your name: e-mail:
baby name 1
baby name: gender:
origin: meaning:
nick names:
baby name 2
baby name: gender:
origin: meaning:
nick names:
baby name 3
baby name: gender:
origin: meaning:
nick names:
baby name 4
baby name: gender:
origin: meaning:
nick names:

© 1999-2002 by daniel amor