the e-business (r)evolution - living and working in an interconnected world, written by daniel amor

Internet Glossary - H

Find below all entries for the letter H. If you want to add a new word or add content to an existing word, please go to the glossary submission.

Persons who spend their time breaking into systems and networks in order to steal, change or delete data that does not belong to them.
See nickname.
Hello World!
The program that every computer student learns first, outputs "Hello World!".
The download of an element on a web page. If a web page consists of the HTML text, two images and a sound file, then there have been four hits on the web server. It is a way to measure the load of the server. See also HTML, web server.
The main page on a web server.
See server.
See hypertext markup language.
See hypertext transport protocol.
Web documents that contain links to other documents.
HyperText Markup Language
The language for developing documents for the World Wide Web. See also client, server, WWW.
HyperText Transport Protocol
The protocol for transporting files from a web server to a web browser. See also client, server, WWW.

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