the e-business (r)evolution - living and working in an interconnected world, written by daniel amor

Internet Glossary - J

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See Java Archive.
Programming language developed by Sun with cross-platform neutrality, object-orientation and networking in mind. See also applet, JDK.
Java Archive
A file format used to bundle all components required by a Java applet. JAR files simplify the downloading of applets since all the components (.class files, images, sounds, etc.) can be packaged into a single file.
Java Development Kit
Basic development package from Sun distributed for free in order to write, test and debug Java programs. See also applet, java.
Scripting language developed by Netscape that allows interaction within HTML pages. See also HTML, scripting.
See Java development kit.
Infrastructure and programming model which allow devices to connect with each other to create an instant community. Jini technology enables devices to work with each other, so users can create their own personal networks or communities no matter where they are located.
See just in time.
Joint Photographic Experts Group
Multi-company commission that develops new image formats.
Image format for the Internet using lossy compression algorithms. See also joint photographic experts group.
Just In Time
The concept of reducing inventories by working closely with suppliers to co-ordinate delivery of materials just before their use in the manufacturing or supply process.

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