books of daniel amor
  • Buchcover
  • Die E-Business (R)Evolution
  • Kurzinfo
  • Titel: E-Business (R)Evolution
    Autor: Daniel Amor
    Verlag: Galileo-Press, Bonn, 2000
    ISBN: 3934358675
    Seiten: 816
  • Web Standards
  • Die folgenden Web-Standards werden auf dieser Website unterstützt:
  • valid CSS logo
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1-For-1, 246
123Gambling, 71, 290
1984, 757
3Com, 732
3W Art, 657
4B, 657

A Camelia Flores, 656, 310
AccessData, 498
ACMEcity, 190
Acrobat, 607
Active Worlds, 624, 391
ActiveX, 443
Adleman, Leonard, 492
Adobe, 286, 426
Adobe Acrobat, 465
ADPS, 740
Agfa, 353
AIM, 697
AIT GmbH, 766
Allaire, 259, 337, 442
Altavista, 182, 294, 308, 310
Amaya, 415, 52, 61, 178, 227, 234, 310, 391, 551, 624, 722, 234
AMD, 732
Amiga, 127, 387, 412, 417
Aminet, 289
Ananasbier, 387
Anderson, Ross, 528
Anonymizer, 506
ANSI, 148
Anthrotech, 246
AntiOnline, 527
Antonacopoulos, Apostolos, 300
AOL, 307
AOL Instant Messenger, 384, 697
Apache, 132, 604, 687
APnic, 238
Apple, 44, 259, 354, 412, 446, 465, 618, 712
Application Server Zone, 440
Arachne, 415
Arianna, 287
Ariba, 362, 464, 585
Arktis, 654
Arlt, 658, 219
Association of Flaming Ford Owners, 201
AT&T, 626, 627
Atari 800, 127
Atari ST, 127
ATI, 732
ATM Forum, 126
Attardi, Giuseppe, 287
Auction Watchers, 305, 389
AutoByTel, 57
Autonomy, 295
Autonomy Systems Ltd., 319
Avenida Web Server, 440

Baan, 168
Babelfish, 234
Babylonia, 512
Baltimore Technologies, 194, 531
Banco Continental de Panama, 67
Banco Hipotecario del Uruguay, 67
Banco Nacional de Bolivia, 67
Bank of America, 651
Bank One, 651
Banner-Mania, 246
Bare Bones Software, 289
Bargain Finders, 305
Barnes & Noble, 52, 53, 178
BBC, 226
BEA Systems, 441
Beans Industry, 338
BeansExtender, 578
Beatnik, 159
BellSouth, 754
BelSign, 531
Benetton, 70
BeOS, 130, 558, 391, 624
Big Brother, 190
Big Brother Inside, 200
Bild, 515, 658
BioAPI Consortium, 538
BizTalk, 463
Blockchiffre, 491
BlueGill Technologies, 660
BMW, 765, 771
Bobby, 213
Bobo, 706
Bodegon Costa Azul, 88
Boeing, 464
Boot-Sektor-Virus, 509
Borg, 740
Bowie, David, 159
Brio Technology, 317
Bristol Technology, 597
British Airways, 762
Broadcaster, 287
BroadVision, 49, 259, 318, 338
Brokat, 194
BrowserWatch, 406
BTG, 538
Bubbleboy, 512
Bugtraq, 265
BusinessWare, 174, 327

C++, 337, 435, 438, 439, 443--445
C-SET, 648
C2Net, 194, 708, 237
Cabela's, 641
CAF\'E, 676
Caldera, 693, 708, 182
Canon, 59, 737
Capital Radio, 755
Cappuccino, 338
Captura, 746
Cascading Style Sheets, 431
Case-based reasoning, 298
CasinoPlace, 71, 237, 406
Casio, 467
Casta, Laetitia, 226
CBR, 298
CBX2, 246
CDE, 698
CDNow, 313
CDU, 185
CeBit, 386
CertCo, 680
Certification Authority, 553
CGI, 434
Chai, 728
ChaiServer, 728
ChaiVM, 728
Charles Schwab, 578
Chase Manhattan Bank, 184
Chaum, David, 667
CheckFree, 341, 660
Checkpoint, 139
CHRP, 712
Ciao, 206
CICS, 445
CIF, 383, 781
CIPM, 445
Cisco, 730, 736
Clark, Ian, 529
ClearCommerce, 335, 640
Cli-Mate, 419
ClickThrough, 246
Client-Independent Programming Model, 445
Clinton, Bill, 226
CNN, 226, 246
Coign, 740
Cold Fusion, 259, 337, 442, 705
COM, 432, 439, 443, 446, 447
Comdex, 386
Commerce Direct International, 354
Commerce for the Millenium, 344
Commerce One, 362, 363
Commerce.Net, 463
CommerceNet Consortium, 504
Commodore 64, 127, 412
Common Gateway Interface, 434, 435
Common Hardware Referenz Plattform, 712
Common Interchange Format, 383
Compaq, 732, 206, 579
CompuServe, 188, 307
Computer Associates, 137, 145
Connectix, 383
ConSors, 310
Continuum, 740
CoolFM, 755
Copernic 99, 503
CORBA, 433, 439, 442--444, 446, 447, 735, 741
Corel, 354, 694, 709
Corel Draw, 694
Corel PhotoPaint, 157
CosmoPlayer, 466, 607
CPFR, 60
cSafe, 353
CSS, 452
CyberCash, 341, 342, 649, 88
CyberSource, 335
Cygnus, 707

Daimler-Chrysler, 74
Datafellows Company, 518
DB/2, 145
DEC, 669
Deja News, 252, 290, 393
Dell, 54, 87
Dell, Michael, 87
Denial of Service, 479
Deutsch, Waverly, 91
Deutsche Bahn AG, 204
Deutsche Bank, 666
Deutsche Post, 641
Deutsche Post AG, 658
Deutsches Provider Network, 380, 387
DHL, 111
DHTML, 455
Diamond Multimedia, 64, 352
Diffie, Whitfield, 491
DigDirt, 292
DigiCash, 666
Digital, 182
Digital Creations, 706
Digital Equipment Corporation, 669
Digital Imaging Group, 353, 613
Digitales Zertifikat, 437, 530, 531, 553, 678, 680
Director, 157, 454
Discolandia, 45
Discos Castello, 656
Disney, 232, 734
DLR, 318
DMZ, 540
Document Style Semantics and Specification Language, 453
Documentum, 155
DOM, 455
DoS, 479
DPN, 380
dpunkt, 674
Dr. Solomons, 518
DreamWeaver, 154
DSSSL, 452, 453
Dun & BradStreet, 80

E-Procurement, 73
E-Services, 27, 311, 337, 741
E-Smarts, 305
E-Speak, 736, 742
eBay, 48, 66, 216, 719, 766
eCash-Shops, 668
ECC, 381
eCheck, 653
Echolon, 196
eCircle, 393
ECMA, 469, 472
ECMAScript, 472
Economist, 233
EDI, 55, 460
Edify, 259, 382, 660
EDT, 527
EFF, 490, 504
EJB, 446
ElectricalFire, 558
Electronic Data Interchange, 55
Electronic Disturbance Theater, 527
Electronic Frontier Foundation, 490, 504
ElMedia, 342
Embedded Devices, 728
Emporium, 339
enCommerce, 318
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 243
eNetwork Firewall, 140
Enigma, 487
Enterprise Application Server, 443
Enterprise Callcenter, 381
Enterprise Java Beans, 446
Epson, 59
Eternity, 528
Eudora, 132
EuroSearch, 295
EuroSeek, 215
EvenBetter, 304, 305, 762
eXcelon, 443
Excite, 134, 308
ExhiBit-Gallerie, 59
Exodus, 623
Extensible 3D, 628

F1-CPU, 713
False Authority Syndrome, 507
Familienministerium, 185
FAQ, 59
Fat Face, 611
FBI, 527
FDA, 204
FDDI, 118
FDP, 185
Federal Express, 110
Ferrari, 120, 280, 765
Fibre Distributed Data Interface, 118
Fidonet, 37
Fight back, 206
Fiji-Online, 308, 289
Firefly, 258
Firewall 1, 139
FirmWorks, 703
First Union Bank, 674
First Virtual, 341, 342, 649
Flash, 157
FlashPix, 353
Florists Transworld Delivery, 310, 656, 86
Flycast, 246
Food & Drug Administration, 204, 88
Ford, 201
Forrester Research, 91
FoundationTools, 597
FoundationWare, 597
Four11, 290
Fraktale Kompression, 626, 332
Free Network, 529
Free PC, 348
FreeBSD, 130, 139, 699, 717
FreeStone, 139
Fremont, 742
FusionOne, 726

G-Shock, 467
Galileo Press, 31, 33, 179, 195
Gallery-Net, 159, 388, 406, 611
Gauss Interprise AG, 320
GeldKarte, 672
GemPlus, 56
GemStone, 148
GeoCities, 309, 317
Global Message Exchange, 309
Global Trust Enterprise, 680
GMX, 309
Go Network, 311
GOD, 308
Gravis, 314
GroupLens, 259
GTE, 497
Guiness-Buch, 332
Gupta, Vivek, 160

HAL, 712
Hardware Abstraction Layer, 712
Harley Davidson, 279
Hart, Michael, 691
Hasbro, 182
Hayek, Nicolas, 40, 406
Hellman, Martin, 491
Helsinki Telephone, 746
Herzigova, Eva, 226
Hewlett-Packard, 42, 57, 134, 136, 139, 171, 185, 202, 337, 341, 344, 353, 387, 426, 463, 549, 551, 562, 584, 585, 591, 593, 597, 612, 694, 717, 719, 728, 736, 742, 749
Hill, Charles, 232
Hitachi, 327
HotBot, 186
HotDog, 153
HotJava, 416
HotSpot, 583
HotWired, 426
HP Praesidium, 139
HP Press, 178
HP-PA Risc, 694
HP-UX, 409, 549, 700
HTML, 423
Hugo, Victor, 693
Hypertext Markup Language, 423
Hyperwave, 318
Hypovereinsbank, 680
HyTime, 450

i-Cat, 341
I/Pro, 252
IBM, 42, 61, 137, 140, 145, 174, 340, 353, 387, 426, 437, 446, 463, 518, 579, 582, 590, 697, 713, 737
IBM Micro Payment, 669
IBM Payment Suite, 659
iBrowse, 417
iCab, 417
ICQ, 384, 697
ICVerify, 342
IDL, 432
IDT, 381
IETF, 117
ImageLock, 353
IndiaConnect, 246
IndustryNet, 88
Inferno, 729, 739
InfernoSpaces, 738
Infobank, 364
InfoBus, 582, 741
InfoNout, 419
Infopark, 155, 319
Informix, 145, 445
Informix Online Dynamic Server, 145
Infoseek, 289, 294
Infospace, 291, 521
Inprise, 145, 444
Instant Messaging, 697
Integrated Transaction Service, 444
Intel, 75, 199, 713, 731, 732, 381
Interbase, 145
Interface Definition Language, 432
InterMail, 133
International Herald Tribune, 84
International Telecommunications Union, 126, 379
Internet Business Magazine, 657
Internet Engineering Task Force, 117
Internet Explorer, 132, 409
Internet Factory, 341
Internet Solutions, 778
Internet Telephony Exchange Carriers, 380
Internet Telephony Service Provider, 380
Internet University, 400
Internet2, 40, 759
InterNic, 238
Intershop, 319, 335, 341
InTrade, 364
IOL, 307
Iona Technologies, 318
iPlanet, 319
IRC, 384, 697
ircII, 385
Ircle, 385
Ireland Online, 307
ITS, 444
ITSP, 380
ITU, 126, 379
ITXC, 380

J Consortium, 593
Jabber, 697
Jaguar CTS, 443
Jango, 305
Japhar, 558
Java, 337, 435, 436, 438, 439, 443--445, 574, 728, 730, 739
Java Environment Tuning Center, 585
Java Native Interfaces, 729
Java Transaction Service, 444
JavaBeans, 443
JavaScript, 435
JavaServer Pages, 438
JetSend, 736
Jikes, 558, 697
Jini, 570, 732, 736, 737, 741, 573
JNI, 729
JPEG 2000, 627
JRE, 571
JSP, 438
JTS, 444
Jupiter Communications, 220

Kaffe, 558
KDE, 472, 698
Kellogg's, 233
Kessler-Design, 686, 152
KiwiLogic, 307
KLM, 84
Knowbots, 302
Knuth, Donald E., 695
Kodak, 353, 732
Koenig, Thomas, 199
Kohl, Helmut, 195
Kryptografie, 487
Kryptologie, 487
Kumite, 519

LAN, 737
LaTeX, 696
LaTeX 3, 697
Least Privilege Paradigm, 549

Lenin, 623
Levi Strauss, 243
Levi Strauss & Co., 83
Lewinsky, Monica, 77
Libreria, 53
Libri, 70, 87
Limbo, 729, 730, 739
LinguBot, 307
Linux, 127, 130, 412, 604, 687, 693, 699, 710, 713, 717, 730
Liquid Audio, 353
Live Picture, 612
LiveAssistance, 172
LiveCommerce, 343
LiveScript, 468
Living Systems, 766
Local Area Network, 737
Lotus, 444, 582
Lotus Domino Application Server, 444
Lotus Notes, 446
Lucent, 562, 749, 754
Lucent Technologies, 729
Lufthansa, 237, 762
Lufthansa Cargo, 333, 650
Lycos, 290
Lynx, 412

Macintosh, 127
MacOS, 409, 558
MacOS X, 130
MacroMedia, 454, 467
MacroMedia Freehand, 157
Makrovirus, 510
Masquerading, 480
MasterMerchant, 659
MatchLogic, 252
McAfee, 354
McAfee Associates, 518
McDonald's, 70
MediaTechBooks, 53, 61, 235, 266, 406
Medosch, Armin, 405
MegaCar, 125, 756
Megazine, 45
Melissa, 512
Mellon Technologies, 623
Merced, 713
MetaCreations Painter, 157
MetaProducts, 419
Michelangelo, 508
MICOM, 380
Microsoft, 75, 145, 185, 201, 342, 406, 515, 594, 732, 739
Millennium, 740
MilliCent, 669
Mind-It, 207
Mining Company, 521
Minix, 693
Minolta, 737
mIRC, 385, 686
MKLinux, 558
MNG, 604
Mocha, 468
Mondex, 671
Monkey, 662
Monkey Moneybox, 662, 662, 279
Motorola, 465
Mozilla, 265, 408, 604, 697, 700
MP3, 64, 352
MPEG, 466
MPEG-4, 613
MQ Series, 174, 445
MTV, 182
Multiple-Image Network Graphics, 604
MultiSubmit, 241
MWG Biotech AG, 57
My-World, 61
MyOwnEmail, 134, 316
MySimon, 305, 219

NAA, 362
NASA, 456, 616
Net.Commerce, 340
Net.Data, 437
Net2Phone, 381
NetBanx, 657
NetBSD, 699
NetBSD Foundation, 702
NetCash, 668
NetCenter, 308
Netcraft, 283
Netiquette, 387
NetObjects Fusion, 153, 782
NetPerceptions, 259
Netscape, 132, 408, 426
Netscape Application Server, 445, 705
Netscape CommerceXpert, 365
NetSell, 342
Neue Z\"urcher Zeitung, 700
New Economy, 27, 77, 88, 89, 91, 148, 349, 392, 788
NewHoo, 694
NewMonics, 593, 224, 266
Nokia, 686, 721
Northern Telecom, 754
Norton Antivirus, 518
NPS, 155
NUMA, 129, 713
Nymserver, 507
NZZ, 700

O'Reilly, 719
Oasis, 463
OBI, 365, 678
Object Design, 443
Object Request Broker, 446
Objectivity, 148
ODBC, 443
Odwalla, 203
Offline Explorer, 418
Offline-Browser, 418
OJI, 408
Oki Electric, 754
OLAP, 148
Omega Project, 696
OneClick, 308
Online Analytical Processing, 148
Open Applications Group, 460
Open Buying on the Internet, 678
Open Buying over the Internet, 365
Open Design Circuits, 714
Open Directory, 694, 782
Open Hardware, 716, 717
Open Hardware Certification Program, 716
Open Hardware Specification Project, 717
Open Java Interface, 408
Open Market, 341, 343
Open Source, 70, 690
Open Trading Protocol, 677
OpenIngres, 145
OpenMail Anywhere, 134
OpenPGP, 704
OpenPix, 220
OpenPix ImageIgniter, 612, 690
OpenSSL, 704
OpenView, 136, 551
Opera Software, 410
Oracle, 131, 145, 168, 363, 445
Oracle Server, 145
ORB, 446, 352
Organic Online, 708
Orwell, George, 757
OTP, 677

P3P, 504
PaintShop Pro, 155
Palacio de la Musica, 45
Panasonic, 737
Panavision, 183
Pandesic, 337
Paperball, 303
Paperboy, 303
Pascal, 436
Pathfinder-Sonde, 616, 426
PayNow, 653
PDA, 221
PDS, 186
PDSL, 754
Peacock, 387
PeopleSoft, 168, 363, 446
Peppers, Don, 256
Perl, 337, 435, 436, 438, 689, 782
Personal Java, 730
Pervasive Computing, 27
PGP, 193, 497
Phase 5, 314
Philips, 280, 730, 731
Photoshop, 155
Picasso, Pablo, 347
PICS, 410, 505
PKI, 197
Platform for Internet Content Selection, 505
Platform for Privacy Preference, 504
Platinum, 466, 467
Plum Hall, 593
Plumtree Software, 319
PNG, 603
Point to Point Protocol, 118, 657
Power Digital Subscriber Line, 754
PowerDisc, 611
PowerDynamo, 443
PowerPics, 611
PPP, 118
Prentice Hall, 178, 184
Principia, 706
Projekt Gutenberg, 691
Psion, 221
Public Key Infrastructure, 197
Pulver, Jeff, 380
PureTec, 661, 778
Python, 435, 436, 447

QFA, 408
QTVR, 618
Quality Feedback Agent, 408
Quantum, 736
Quelle, 45, 70, 329
QuickMarket, 766
Quicknet, 379
QuickTime, 354, 465, 607, 618
QXL, 66

Radio Deejay, 455, 755
Raymond, Eric, 689, 701
RC5, 734
RDF, 455
Real, 159, 455
Real-Time Operating System, 561
RealNames, 240
RealPlayer, 219, 226, 354, 607
Red Hat, 693, 707
Reebok, 617
Refer-It, 228, 657
Remedy, 171
Request for Comments, 117
Resource Reservation Protocol, 375
Reuters, 426
REXX, 438
RFC, 117, 688
RFC 1034, 121
RFC 1726, 123
Ricardo, 66
RichWin, 232
Rio MP3, 64
Ripe, 238, 778
Rivest, Ron, 492
Rogers, Martha, 256
Rolls Royce, 765
Rosenberger, Rob, 507
Rosetta.Net, 463
ROT13, 497
Roxen, 132
RSA, 492
RSVP, 375
RTAS, 712
RTL, 227
RTOS, 561
Run-Time Abstraction Service, 712

Saba Software, 399
SameDay, 187, 333, 650
SAP, 131, 168, 363, 446, 463
Sausage Software, 153
Scheme, 436
SDMI, 353
Sease, Jim, 309
Secure Digital Music Initiative, 353
Security First Network Bank, 54
SecurityFocus, 265
Seiko, 616
Sendmail, 133
Sequoia Software, 319
Server Side Includes, 437
SET, 340, 341, 646
SetCo, 646, 659
SFNB, 54
SGI, 717
Shakespeare, William, 693
Shamir, Adi, 492, 289
Shockwave, 467, 305
Siemens, 457, 737
Siemens KWU, 622
SignPost, 241
SilverStream, 445, 705
Simon-Wiesenthal-Zentrum, 178
Skoda, 623
SlotMachines, 71, 348, 686, 306
SmartCard, 341
SmartContact, 171
SMIL, 453
Smilies Unlimited, 268
SMP, 713
Snap, 252, 310
Sniffer, 496, 133
Softwinter, 194
Solaris, 409
Solstice AdminSuite, 552
Somm, Felix, 188
Sony, 625
SourceXChange, 719
Sparc, 694
Spidersoft, 419
Spiegel, 186, 204, 406, 512, 515
Spoofing, 480
SQL Server, 145
SSI, 437
SSL, 340, 341, 531, 646
SSLeay, 705
St. George Bank, 666
Star Office, 694
Star Trek, 190, 723, 733, 740
Star Wars, 466
Stroustrup, Bjarne, 590
Submit-It, 293
SubWizard, 241
SUCKS-Ware, 687
Sun, 202, 416, 426, 552, 584, 694, 717, 728, 730, 732, 737
Supernews, 393
Suse, 693
Swatch, 40
Swiss Air, 204
Sybase, 145, 443
Sybase SQL Server, 145
Symantec, 578, 584

T Spaces, 737
T-Online, 307
Taxware, 335
Tcl, 436
Team 17, 286
TEI, 450
Teleauskunft, 290
Telepolis, 405
Templeton, Brad, 189
TeX, 695
Text Encoding Initiative, 450
Thawte, 531
The Informant, 207
The List, 272
Thunderbyte, 518
Ticketmaster, 185
TISS, 86
Titanic, 204, 657
Tivoli, 137
TNG, 137
TNU, 39
Top Reseller, 228
TopTier Software, 320
Torvalds, Linus, 693
Trans-O-Flex, 56
TransNexus, 380
Travel Overland, 86, 658, 665
Trend Micro, 513
Tributary, 597
TrueSpectra, 612
TrustCenter, 497, 531
TRUSTe, 503
Trusted Computer System, 549
Trusted Solaris, 552
Tschernobyl, 512
Tucows, 284, 300, 308
Tupper, 52
TXSeries, 447

UMEC, 731
Unicenter, 137
Unicode, 697
Uniscape, 746
Universal Plug and Play, 732
Universität Amsterdam, 39
Universität von Helsinki, 693
Universität von Pisa, 287
University of Southern California, 652, 668
UPnP, 732
UPS, 111, 531
US Senat, 527
USA Today, 264

VBScript, 470
Verifone, 25, 659
Verilog, 711
VeriSign, 531, 659
VHDL, 711
Viador, 320
Vicinity, 310
Victoria's Secret, 226
Vienna Systems, 380
Virtual Reality Online Shopping, 390, 624
Virtual Vault, 549
ViruSafe Virus Center, 518
Visa, 641
VisiBroker, 444
Visual Age for Java, 579
VisualBasic Script, 470
Vitria, 174
VocalTec, 378
VRML, 618, 619
VRML-Konsortium, 628
vSuite, 659

WABI, 694
WAI, 214
Walker, Jerry, 184
Wall, Larry, 436
WAN, 735, 308, 385
Web3D-Konsortium, 628
WebGrrls, 228
WebLogic Enterprise, 441
WebObjects, 259, 446
WebPosition, 292
WebQoS, 332, 551
WebRides, 218
Websidestory, 406
WebSphere Application Server, 446
WebTV, 158
WebZip, 419
What Is, 307
White Pine, 383, 310
Wide Area Network, 735
Wimbledon, 527
Windows NT, 127, 130, 516, 730
WinEdt, 686
Wintel, 75, 717
WinZip, 497
WIRC, 385
Wired, 224
Wirtschaftswoche, 199, 154
WordPerfect, 694
World Wide Web Consortium, 411, 415, 453, 455, 456, 463, 504
WorldAvenue, 61

X Consortium, 698
X11, 698
X3D, 628
Xcert, 531
Xerox, 737
XML, 447, 463
Xoom, 309
XSL, 452

Yahoo, 48, 80, 201, 293, 295, 308, 343, 551, 694
Yahoo Store, 343, 234

Zürcher Kantonalbank, 569
Zimmermann, Phil, 193, 704
Zope, 447, 705